Get To Grips With Business Terms
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Accounts payable – what you owe to your suppliers of goods or services. You might also see this called trade creditors.
Accounts receivable – what your customers owe you. You might also see this called trade debtors.
Accounts – term used to describe financial statements prepared for your business. Most commonly this refers to profit and loss accounts and balance sheets that are done by an accountant at year end but could also include cash flow forecasts.
Amortisation – the depreciation on intangible fixed assets.
Assets – things your business owns or has owed to them. Fixed assets are high value items that you will have over a long period of time and apply depreciation to, e.g., machinery, vehicles, websites. Current assets are assets that can be quickly turned into cash, e.g., stock and trade debtors.
Audit – larger companies are required to have an independent audit done of their financials. This is to give an impartial view on the accounts and to ensure that they are prepared in accordance with accounting standards.